Oscar Arne
SPace news HOST
Former CNC-operator studying to become a engineer in the space industry. Currently volunteering as a Test site engineer at propulse NTNU. He loves Space and rockets, and believe in making the better parts of scifi real, to improve the world. With infinite curiosity Oscar spends his free time learning about new and exciting spacecraft and space science. He wants to share what he likes the most, every two weeks in 15-minute podcasts.
Erlend A. Sandblåst
Erlend is the manager, host and co-founder of Spacepodden and wants to contribute within Space News as well. His goal is that Norway becomes a bigger space nation and wants to inform and inspire the Norwegian people to reach this goal.
Alexey Gusev
SPACE NEWS co-host
Alexey is the co-host and co-founder of Spacepodden. His goal is to get the Norwegian space sector to new heights and maybe even out in the outer cosmos.